Minecraft :: CosmoCraft 3 :: Dragon Fight & End Raiding

Community Dragon fight time on the CosmoCraft 3 server. Then we’re going to go end raiding. How many cities can we find before the server runs out of disk space?

Cosmo’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXUN20tA4tE9rtJj2SoiTog


Song: Lost Age – Kaixo
Music provided by Ninety9Lives
Video: https://youtu.be/LLsnV3hJwa8
Download: http://99l.tv/lostageYU

Song: Bass Me – ROY
Music provided by Ninety9Lives
Video: https://youtu.be/aIpw1oyP3QQ
Download: http://99l.tv/roybassmeYU

Song: At the End – Reflekt
Music provided by Ninety9Lives
Video: https://youtu.be/USjNDxj6laI
Download: http://99l.tv/attheendYU

Song: Desolate – Aerdex
Music provided by Ninety9Lives
Video: https://youtu.be/XfZlOVHvLAs
Download: http://99l.tv/desolateYU

Song: Lost – Ace Aura
Music provided by Ninety9Lives
Video: https://youtu.be/trmr9qwv3ko
Download: http://99l.tv/aceauralostYU

Song: Once Again – Horsemen
Music provided by Ninety9Lives
Video: https://youtu.be/-XPfOcaZuN8
Download: http://99l.tv/onceagainYU